Boston Choral Ensemble Member Handbook

Welcome to Boston Choral Ensemble (BCE)! As a voluntary organization, BCE thrives on the energy, personalities, and commitment of its members. We are dedicated to making participation in BCE a respectful and welcoming experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation, disability, neurotype, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, political affiliation, socioeconomic status, educational attainment, or religion. We value the diversity of perspectives, thoughts, feelings, and experiences in our community.

This handbook provides basic information about the choir’s structure and regular activity. It also lays out the expectations of singers and policies related to membership in the organization. Our expectation is that all members uphold the policies outlined in this document in order for the organization to thrive as a healthy and supportive environment through the shared trust and commitment of our members. Please refer to our Code of Conduct for more detailed information about our organization’s values and expected behaviors.

Organizational Structure and Commitment

Organizational Structure

Boston Choral Ensemble is incorporated as a private corporation of the State of Massachusetts and a federal non-profit organization (501.c.3) as of August 12, 2004.

The organization is governed by a 9– to 15– member Board of Directors. Board meetings are always open to members of the BCE community, and the Annual Meeting in May is deliberately designed for broader member participation.

Membership on the Board is open to members and BCE friends interested in being core supporters of our operations. Terms on the Board are two-year terms, with the option of extending an additional two years. After four years of consecutive service, Board members must take a minimum of one year hiatus from Board membership. Board terms generally run from July through June, following BCE's fiscal year. Anyone with an interest in joining the Board is strongly encouraged to get involved with one of the standing teams first to get a better understanding of how BCE business is carried out and to attend one or more Board meetings.

One or two directors serve as President (or co-Presidents) of the Board and are the ultimate overseer of all choir business. Remaining directors advise the leadership (Artistic Director, Administrator and volunteers) and coordinate the work of volunteers for various core organizational task areas:

  • Executive Team—The Executive Team has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the organization. Its overarching role is to help the organization work in the most efficient way. The Executive Team is made up of the president, vice-president, treasurer, Artistic Director and Administrator.

  • Finance Team—led by the Treasurer, the Finance Team oversees organizational financial planning, anticipates financial needs, and makes sure BCE is spending its resources in a way that’s aligned with BCE’s mission, values and commitments.

  • Fundraising and Development Team—the Fundraising and Development Team develops the fundraising plan, solicits gifts from donors, and identifies and applies for grants.

  • Marketing and Tech Team—the Marketing and Tech Team helps promote BCE’s performances on various platforms and increases BCE’s overall visibility. They keep BCE’s website up-to-date and help with posts on BCE’s social media accounts. This team also helps produce audiovisual recordings for BCE as needed.

  • Membership—Membership provides structure and guidance to singers regarding auditions, onboarding, general attendance, and re-auditions. Membership works in close coordination with the Artistic Director.

  • Music Library and Information Team—The Music Library Team ensures that sheet music that the Artistic Director selects is organized and accessible to singers and collaborators. When needed, they work closely with the Artistic Director to provide education and background information on the current repertoire for singers, audience, and marketing.

Note: the Code of Conduct Reporting Team operates independently of the other teams, and reports directly to the Executive Team as needed.

Organizational Commitment

While the Board of Directors handles the overall governance of the organization, members of the choir are also expected to have a certain level of commitment to BCE as an organization and to contribute where possible. In addition to music preparation and rehearsals (see below), members of the choir are expected to:

  • Pay annual dues, if financially able (see below).

  • Send emails or post on social media to promote concerts.

  • Assist with fundraising to the extent possible during our annual fundraising drive and acknowledge donations made to the choir on the singer’s behalf.

  • Contribute to snack for 1-2 rehearsals per year.

The Board will support these activities by sending reminders, email templates, information for thank you notes, graphics, and other tools through the weekly BCEmail.

Additional (optional) activities to support the organization include:

  • Participate in outreach events and other optional performance opportunities.

  • Make a financial contribution (beyond annual dues).

  • Join a working group, Team, or Board committee.

  • Join the Board of Directors.

Member Dues

Member dues are a core part of BCE's budget, and enable BCE to rent weekly rehearsal space, purchase sheet music, pay for an accompanist, and other ongoing aspects that make BCE run smoothly for its singers. Unlike many other choirs, dues payment includes the cost of sheet music, and BCE does not ask its members to pay additional money to pay for their own copies.

BCE is fully committed to our existing principle that the ability to pay dues will never be a barrier to being a member of BCE. To that end, we have a range of membership dues options. All members have the same rights and responsibilities, regardless of which dues option they select.

  • Base Dues: $150/year

  • Voluntary Dues: $225/year — this amount fully covers the operational costs per member, and is an option for those who are able to pay a higher amount

  • Waived Dues: $0/year or "pay what you're able"— an option for those for whom Base Dues pose a financial hardship

Dues must be paid by the end of September for the full year. Contact to arrange to pay your dues in installments if necessary.


Upon admittance into BCE, members are automatically added to our membership distribution list (bce-membership@googlegroups), which functions as the primary means of communication between choir leadership and singers. Typically, this communication comes in the form of one weekly BCEmail with choir business and reminders. The Artistic Director may also send separate emails to the distribution list with rehearsal notes and information about music preparation. Members are expected to read these communications thoroughly.

There is also an optional distribution list that serves as a social connector between members (bce-social@googlegroups). Any member of the BCEsocial group may email the group, and email traffic tends to be very light. Singers may opt in or out of the BCEsocial group at any time.

Time Commitment

To perform at a level of significant artistry, BCE members commit to attending weekly, in-person ensemble rehearsals. BCE members also practice at home individually to hone vocal technique, learn pitches, rhythm, and dynamics and to practice text. This critical combination of ensemble work and individual dedication allows BCE to deliver high-caliber concerts to our audiences.

Ensemble Work

Starting in September and wrapping up in late May or early June of each year, BCE rehearses weekly on Thursdays from 6:30 to 9:00pm at Old South Church in Copley Square. Singers arrive a few minutes early for rehearsal so that warm-ups begin promptly at 6:30. There are typically two additional mandatory dress rehearsals the week leading up to each performance to practice in the concert venue space. Additionally, BCE hosts one or two mandatory Saturday retreats each season. BCE takes a break from rehearsing for the summer. 

The BCE Member Google Calendar provides members instant access to all important dates for the season. Members should be proactive about ensuring that they are available for these dates and communicate any conflicts as soon as possible. (See detailed attendance policy below.)

Individual Preparation

When possible, the Artistic Director shares a rehearsal plan in advance and/or notes from the previous rehearsal. Singers should be prepared to commit up to one hour per week to review the rehearsal plan and practice repertoire when individual preparation is needed. This individual practice should include learning/reviewing pitches, rhythms, text, dynamics, and any rehearsal notes from the Artistic Director. Additionally, repertoire recordings are made available whenever possible and shared via the BCEmail, and singers are expected to listen to them as part of preparation. It is important that this preparation takes place outside of rehearsal time so that the rehearsal can be focused primarily on ensemble work. 

As a BCE singer, you commit your time to:

  • Perform in three to four concerts per season, plus any case-by-case approved collaborations.

  • Attend weekly rehearsals and dress rehearsals from September through late May or early June, as well as one end-of-year Annual Meeting.

  • Commit up to one-hour weekly to individual practice and preparation as needed.

  • Participate in our annual Saturday retreat(s).

Attendance Policy

The following outlines the organization’s policy around lateness and absence:

  • General Rehearsal Attendance: As an organization, we recognize that our singers are multifaceted individuals with a variety of commitments and needs. That being said, it is important for the choir to have consistent attendance in order to achieve a unified and polished ensemble sound. Therefore, our attendance policy is as follows:

    • There are three concert cycles per season: Cycle I is defined as the start of fall rehearsals to holiday concert (usually December); Cycle II (through to the second concert (usually March); Cycle III (through to the third concert (usually May). PopUp is not its own concert cycle, nor any additional agreed upon performances. 

    • Members are allowed two general rehearsal absences per concert cycle, assuming that they review missed material on their own and follow-up with a member of their section for relevant rehearsal notes. Please note: BCE does not differentiate between excused and unexcused absences because the effect on the ensemble is the same. Absences due to illness or emergency are sometimes unavoidable, so members should account for the probability of unplanned absences.

    • More than two absences during any given concert cycle require that the member demonstrate an acceptable level of preparedness to the Artistic Director in order to perform in the concert. This meeting will take place outside of normal rehearsal time. Each situation will be assessed by the Artistic Director on a case-by-case basis.

  • Tardiness: Members are expected to be in their assigned seats and ready to sing promptly at 6:30. Frequent tardiness will result in a conversation with Membership and the Artistic Director to determine an appropriate course of action.

  • Vocal Rest: On occasion, singers are unable to sing due to vocal fatigue or illness. Singers who are sick and contagious should not attend rehearsal, in order to prevent the spread of illness. In non-contagious cases, it is appreciated, whenever possible, for singers to attend rehearsal as observers and sit toward the back or to the side. Frequent instances of vocal rest will result in a conversation with Membership and the Artistic Director to determine an appropriate course of action.

  • Dress Rehearsals: All rehearsals in the concert venue and rehearsals during the week of a performance are mandatory. In cases of illness or emergency, Membership and Artistic Director will discuss the best course of action on a case-by-case basis. Please note: dress rehearsals may go until 9:30pm instead of 9:00pm.

  • Retreats: On average, BCE conducts two retreats per year for singers on Saturdays. These events are considered mandatory as they are times to work on team building, vocal production, blending, repertoire and often include guest speakers who have committed time and resources to the day.  In cases of illness or emergency absences for a retreat, Membership and Artistic Director will discuss the best course of action on a case-by-case basis.

If you know you will miss a rehearsal, please alert Membership and the Artistic Director via email at least a week in advance whenever possible. For last-minute conflicts, email both Membership and the Artistic Director as soon as possible. For day-of communications (running late for rehearsal, etc.) you are also encouraged to text Membership. Note: Please do not text the Artistic Director.

Leaves of Absence

Occasionally, members are unable to participate in a concert cycle because of schedule conflicts. In this case, members are encouraged to take a “leave of absence” for the concert cycle. Members should inform Membership and the Artistic Director of the need for a leave at least a month before the first rehearsal of a concert cycle; this allows the organization time to make adjustments for the ensemble’s balance. In order to assist with meeting this deadline, Membership will reach out to singers ahead of the cut-off date to confirm that they will be returning.

In cases of unique circumstances that may require accommodation (health issues, parental leave, extended travel, etc.), members should bring this to the attention of Membership and Artistic Director as soon as possible to explore options.

Leaves announced less than a month before the first rehearsal of the concert cycle (or after the concert cycle has begun) will be treated as a departure from the ensemble, unless the Artistic Director makes an exception allowing the member to return in the following concert cycle. Otherwise, the member will become a regular alumnus of the group and can rejoin by audition.

Leaves of absence can only last for one cycle and cannot occur more than once every four concert cycles. If, for any reason, a leave converts into a departure from the ensemble, the member will become a regular alumnus of the group and can rejoin by audition.

Membership Renewal

BCE aims to be a high-level ensemble that pushes the boundaries of the traditional choral environment; it is important that members remain committed to our ambitious goals and to working at a high skill level in keeping with the group’s progress.

All members will participate in a Vocal Re-Audition with the Artistic Director at the end of every other season (every two years) in order to renew membership. The Vocal Re-Audition will serve as an accountability check for musicianship skills as well as an opportunity to discuss general participation in the ensemble and any concerns from the previous season (frequent tardiness, lack of preparation, etc.). At the Vocal Re-Audition, members will be expected to sing some basic vocal exercises, as well as short predetermined excerpts from the previous season’s repertoire, which will be determined by the Artistic Director and communicated to singers well in advance of the check-in dates.

Results of Vocal Check-Ins

  • Members in good standing who demonstrate appropriate musicianship skills and comfort in singing the ensemble’s repertoire independently will be invited to continue singing with the ensemble for another two years. 

  • If the Artistic Director has a concern that they’d like the member to work on, the member may be granted an interim membership with the expectation to check-in again to demonstrate improvement at a later date. 

  • Those who perform below a reasonable level of musicianship or who have not met other expectations of membership will not be invited to return for the following season.

Sheet Music

Sheet music costs are covered by membership dues and scans of BCE’s sheet music can be found on the membersite. During rehearsal, members are responsible for ensuring access to all of the current concert cycle’s music (and additional pieces, if requested in advance) through a means that is easy to read and that facilitates efficient, detailed note-taking. This typically means bringing printed sheet music with a pencil and binder, or bringing a tablet device loaded with appropriate software (see the Resources section of the membersite for app recommendations) and the relevant files. When receiving guidance from the Artistic Director, members are expected to take clear notes of any feedback their section receives. 

Members are discouraged from reading music off of cell phones, laptops, or other members’ music during rehearsal. Those unable to print their music or view it on a tablet during rehearsal should notify Membership as soon as they can so that accommodations can be made. 

At concert time, black folders will be distributed to singers without black folders or tablet cases, which should then be returned to the volunteer coordinating folders after the performance.

Performance Attire

To allow audiences to focus on the group’s sound, BCE members will be expected to follow a consistent set of concert dress guidelines when performing. During concerts, BCE members may choose to wear whichever of the following uniforms makes them most comfortable and confident performing:

  • Black slacks, black collared long-sleeved shirt, black suit jacket, black dress shoes and socks, black belt. (No ties)

  • Black dress (either full-length, ⅞-length, or knee-length with black tights), or black skirt or dress pants and top; covered shoulders; black dress shoes.

Large or flashy accessories and garments with visible logos should not be worn during performances, nor should strong colognes or perfumes. Depending on public health conditions, members may be expected to perform wearing a black face mask. In the rare event that an occasion calls for performance attire other than what has been outlined above, members will be notified at least three weeks in advance.

Members who are not comfortable following a performance’s dress guidelines (for reasons such as financial constraints, gender presentation, or religious faith) are encouraged to discuss their situation with Membership as soon as they are able. 

Other Useful Email Addresses

Please Note: The policies above are based on the expanding experience of BCE’s leadership and are guided by a commitment to our mission and values. It is impossible, however, to anticipate every circumstance that may face the ensemble or a member. With this in mind, it is possible that the Artistic Director may reconsider the implementation of the above policies. Such exceptions are intended to be extremely rare and made only in the most unusual situations. There should be no expectation of exception. This handbook was last updated in July of 2024.